
5/10: Looking west




Looking west-ish from the Rainbow Avengers camp. Well. Maybe more to the northwest.

Kind of interesting to see the stepped lines of ancient shorelines on the distant mountains. Where the beach would have been when the Black Rock Desert was still Lake Lahontan, thousands of years ago.

To the lower left is Chris and Laurie's van. Mike and Niki's car is in the middle and my long-suffering tent, coated with playa mud from when it collapsed during a wind storm, is to the lower right. The big U-Haul truck in the middle was Greg and Meredith's home for the week. They can emphatically be forgiven for doing the proper BM thing - decorating the vehicle in order to hide the big corporate advertisement - because it's a wonder they made it to BM at all. Their van broke down in northern California somewhere. Undeterred, they rented the truck, threw all their belongings into it, and made it to the playa anyhow. They froze their asses off inside the uninsulated truck at night, but they had the most incredibly organized walk-in closet on the playa.