Neil's Burning Man photo gallery


All the photographs on this site were taken by me. They are therefore copyright © 1998-2001 NK Guy. I claim the moral right of authorship over them, blah blah. Please respect this and don’t use the pictures anywhere else without asking me. Thanks.

If you do ask I’ll probably say yes if it’s a totally non-profit thing anyway - it’s just I don’t want people making money off stuff that I did. It’s happened to me before and it’s made me bitter.

The Burning Man tickets read “Your image may be captured without consent and without compensation.” Which includes random snapshots by people like me, I would presume. Nevertheless, if there’s a picture of you on this site and you don’t want it here just let me know and I’ll gladly remove it.

Like most Burning Man web sites, there are a few naked and partially naked people pictured on my pages. I have no warnings anywhere, however. I refuse to submit to that puritanical and repressive ideology that says that nudity is inherently evil and people must be warned against it. The world would be a much better place if we were more relaxed about plain old nakedness, I think. There. End of socio-political rant.

If you want to contact me my email address is tela @ Please remove the crud from my address - I put it in in a (probably vain) attempt to confuse those evil robots people run to collect email addresses for spammers.

- NK Guy

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