Year 12, and I find myself back in the Nevada desert.
Bit of a complicated year, in that I returned to London to discover that my primary camera’s main board was damaged during an earlier repair and nearly 5000 shots that I took this year had a nasty moiré pattern over them that wasn’t evident when I was out on the playa. Argh. The pictures you see here are the result of a lot of time-consuming cleaning up. But so it goes.
Big shout out to my TAZ campmates this year, who kept me thoroughly reminded of the importance of friendship and community. Thanks to Squishelle, Vertumnus, Bridget, Cynthia, Edie-Babe and Pi, Heather, Vickie, Skip, Denise and Graham, John, Little Woo, Mike... you all transformed my burn! And Ivan and Mary for airport transportation and giving me a Seattle crashpad.
But as always, love and thanks to Jennifer, who patiently deals with me going off on these crazy jaunts each year...
(and as usual, the thumbnails below will take you to the set in question, not necessarily the photo thumbnailed.)