I’ve taken photos of people in previous years, but this year I thought I’d do something
a little different. Most studio shots I’ve seen on the playa have been of folks in
their playa finery. Which is great, but there’s an unbelievable amount of hard work
that goes on - before, during and after - to make Burning Man happen. So I decided
if I was going to go to the hassle of hauling all my studio equipment out to the
desert I wanted
to get some shots of some of these amazing volunteers. People covered in dust, sweat
and tears.
I did two studio shoots this year. The first was of the crew who built the Temple
of Forgiveness. This set was taken the night of a party, so there are plenty of folks
in the series who worked on other projects. The second was of
DPW: the infamous Department of Public Works. DPW are the guys who lay out and construct
the city months before the event, and who also clean up our shit for months after.
They really showed their dedication this year when, after the Man was destroyed
on Monday night, they rebuilt him from scratch in record time.
As a regular participant it’s easy to forget - or not really get - how much work
goes into this gig. So, gaze upon just a handful of the many faces that made Burning
Man 2007 a reality!
Thanks to Ivan and Jennifer for name-wrangling. And if we don’t have your name
here it’s probably because somewhere along the line we lost it or we couldn’t
read it. So if your photo is in here unnamed and you want to send us that info
- or have your photo taken down - just use the contact form at the bottom of
the page. Thanks also to Bill Codding, Alipato, Drunkennurse, David Best, Maid Marion and Cabe